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Meet people in your local area, in your home country and all around the world. Hairy video chat, meet and chat with locals and foreigners. You can meet thousands of people online.Emotional Intelligence — the ability to perceive and process one’s own emotions and those of others, use such information to understand and manage personal emotions, and communicate effectively — is not just important for individuals. It is also crucial to good organizational leadership and effective teamwork. In a new book, The Power of Emotional Intelligence, co-author Al Switzler, Ph.D., and I discuss how emotional intelligence can be developed and applied in the workplace, in the classroom, and in our own lives. Emotional intelligence is often described as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, social skills, and self-motivation. The ability to manage emotions, for example, includes managing negative emotions, such as anger and sadness, as well as positive emotions, such as joy and love. In an article published in the current issue of Psychology Today, Dr. Switzler and I describe how emotional intelligence can be developed in each of these areas of life. Although most people recognize the importance of emotional intelligence in their personal lives, few understand its importance in the workplace. The book contains many examples of how emotional intelligence can be developed by leading to personal and organizational change. Chapter 2, “Emotional Intelligence at Work,” describes the importance of emotional intelligence in organizations, including how it can improve job performance and strengthen interpersonal relationships. One way emotional intelligence can be developed in the workplace is by encouraging good communication among co-workers and leaders. Chapter 3, “Emotional Intelligence in Interpersonal Communication,” describes the importance of understanding emotions in interpersonal communication, such as in conflict and negotiation. In our work, we have found that an emotional intelligence perspective can be helpful in improving team effectiveness and organizational relationships, as well as in moderating conflict. Emotional intelligence is also relevant to the classroom. Chapter 4, “Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom,” describes a number of ways to develop emotional intelligence. It includes using emotions in teaching, learning, and testing; using emotions in the classroom to develop relationships and student motivation; and using emotions in the classroom to teach social skills and empathy. In our own work, we have found emotional intelligence to be important for learning and development. Chapter 5, “Emotional Intelligence and Student Learning,”




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